Sunday, November 17, 2013


Well today was pretty uneventful. After swinging a hammer for two hours on the bearings I decided to have a drink or two last night. I really was not in the mood the work on the quad, but it isn't going to finish it itself.
    The part I forgot to add yesterday, is I finally got the first coat of paint laid.
One issue I ran into was the steering column was bent really good. So I pulled the torch out again and bent it back straight.
This morning started with sanding, priming and painting the front control arms.
Now for the brakes. The issue was the plungers and pistons were frozen. I decided to try a experiment. Diesel fluid normally will loosen things up. I didn't have any so I decided to use charcoal lighter fluid. It worked like a champ. Everything loosened right up, and no torch needed. I know torches and lighter fluid don't mix. I also cleaned the lighter fluid out as soon as everything loosened up. I wasn't sure if it would eat the seals if I left it to long. As seen in the picture I installed the shocks and covers. After I decided the brake were functioning I installed them.

I bled the brakes using a syringe and a piece of RC fuel tubing. If you create a vacuum on the bleeder port you don't have to keep pumping the brakes. That would be difficult considering I accidently sent the brake lever to my fathers house. He should send that to me soon.
   The next parts I added were
the handle bars, rear swing arm and most of the electrics. This is what it looked like at the end of the day. I also started working on the carb. To be honest it was a mess, but I will post more on that later.

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